MetaMask Login | Portfolio

MetaMask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to manage their Ethereum-based assets and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask does not offer a traditional portfolio feature, but it provides various tools and functions to help you keep track of your Ethereum-based assets and transactions. Here's how you can manage your portfolio using MetaMask:

  1. Asset Overview: When you open MetaMask, you'll see an overview of your Ethereum-based assets. It displays the token's name, balance, and value in your preferred currency (e.g., USD).
  2. Add Custom Tokens: If you have assets that are not automatically displayed, you can manually add them. Click on "Add Token" and enter the contract address of the token. MetaMask will then display your balance.
  3. Transaction History: You can view your transaction history, which includes details about all your past Ethereum and token transactions. This helps you keep track of where your assets have been sent or received.
  4. Explorer Links: MetaMask provides links to Ethereum block explorers like Etherscan, allowing you to view your wallet's transaction history and token balances in more detail.
  5. Send and Receive: You can send and receive Ethereum and tokens directly through the wallet. This feature helps you manage your assets efficiently.
  6. DApp Interactions: MetaMask allows you to access decentralized applications (DApps) directly from your browser extension, giving you control over your interactions with the Ethereum ecosystem.

While MetaMask provides these tools for managing your Ethereum-based assets, it doesn't offer extensive portfolio tracking features that some dedicated cryptocurrency portfolio tracking applications or services might provide. To get a complete overview of your cryptocurrency portfolio, including assets outside of the Ethereum ecosystem, you may want to consider using a dedicated portfolio tracking tool or service in addition to MetaMask.

Please note that my knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021, and there may have been developments or new features added to MetaMask since then.